Concerned Social, Political, Intellectual, and Fiscal Conservative---------------The blog of Joseph K Goldstein
Thursday, February 28, 2019
So that is it. Squaring off is easy to do, thinking maybe not so easy. Loud and brash is easy, thought is not so easy. Focus on what government should do under the constitution and the declaration should be easy, but apparently the idea of requirements creep is alive and well. Oh well.
It's about survival of society. Some fringes of humanity cannot accept society's conditions and operate outside it's bounds. Criminals, terrorists, even politicians. this exploration is about whether this tendency is ingrained or changeable, and for the benefit of all of us.
Conversation: Meanings within an Exchange
Life is interchange, it is a conversation between you and the world, part of which is the conversations between people. More than words; it involves outlook, ego, the nuances of body language, your predisposition. Each conversation is an opportunity to listen, to present- and it is the responsibility of the speaker to do just that.
Ping-Pong Rally's On
Relating to Pride of Self & Our Political Miasma
Ping-Pong, Rally's On
We have been bouncing around instead of developing a clear and effective strategy for the future of our country, caused by our two major political parties trying to force their agenda on us all, and knowing that the next administration will be derived from one of these two polarities. what happened to diplomacy, the real art of win-win? Look towards the well-being r our citizens, our nation, our future. Stop marginalizing our institutions, stop asking government for more and more and more. Use free enterprise to allow us to stand tall based on our own capabilities.
Moments of Impact
My Personal Inquiry into Formation of Self
Moments of Impact
Life seems to do things to people, whether we like it or not. But we have that goal-seeking mechanism within us, which we use as our paths create our interactions, both external and internal. why and how do these conditions impact and influence us, and how are they handled by our internal processes?
Land of Opportunity
Opportunities and Guarantees in America
Land of Opportunity
Everyone wants pride in self, opportunity to excel, happiness, success towards life's goals. Our Constitution and Declaration of Independence provide us with the baseline rules of law to accomplish our aims. We need to appreciate these foundations of our society and way of life. No "eurekas", just appreciation of this wonderful country of ours.
All Things Relate
A View of the US Economy
All Things Relate
Focus on how the make-up of United States society is critically influencing the country's economics (and vise versa). We have one heck of a mess, and as I tried to pin'point any one main source of this decay, I came to realize that everything related. Causes came readily together into an amalgam that was both identifiable and lending of itself to rectification.
Things of Concern
The State of the World and the State of Mind
Things of Concern
What in the world is going on???? Focus, focus, focus-that's what it's all about. Tumultuous forces are in play within the "Order of Man" as he exists in the world today. Events and trends are taking their toll.
Priorities may abound, but urgency vs. importance helps with perspective. Contention between societies, and advances in technology are creating the potential to destroy all mankind. It's up to us to acknowledge these issues and correct these destructive trends. Here are the issues, and proposed resolutions.
Hi, my name is Joe Goldstein, and I
am a retired Aerospace System
Engineering Manager. So I am
familiar with analyzing, designing,
setting up requirements, specs, and
schedules. Part of that is doing risk
analysis, trade studies, and managing
I’ve taken these tools and tried to
examine the critical issues of our
civilization, and to understand the
relationships of people and countries,
as they live and interact in this
complex civilization that so often
appears to be teetering on the brink
of a cataclysm. My goal is to support
the legacies of free will, freedom of
opportunity, and personal happiness.
I’ve tried to combine my technical
background, my interest in Eastern
philosophy, and what I know of social
interactions to produce a critical
analysis of today’s world, and to
translate my concern into actionable
recommendations, geared towards the
improvement of the chances for
mankind’s continuing existence.
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