Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Happenings is an always bunch of things. But lately, what's happening is not normal bunches of things, because the political world has become controversial to the nth degree. All of a sudden, it isn't platforms, it's people- and now the two are so enmeshed that the most awful hatreds are manifesting. I can't say that the Donald is lily-white, nor can I say that Pelosi/Schumer are any better. But I feel that the country is suffering and dividing and polarizing to such a degree that recovery is going to be tough, and may not even happen after the 2020 elections. Issues abound- how can there be any question that illegal is illegal? And morality works in the following way- if a thing is illegal and you don't like it, then change it legally. Don't start in with this aren't these good people? Of course most are, and on that basis funneling them through the immigration procedure, which starts at validated border check points, then requests for entry or asylum, are certainly valid methods. But sneaking over, under, around, and through are not what a sovereign country can accept. So let's get it resolved through diplomatic mind-set as opposed to political appeal to emotion. Forget about the names, and look at the platforms. Recognize that a platform consists of a large number of subjects, and the chances are high that you might approve of most, but not necessarily all. Then recognize that when you support a party, you support all of it, and you have joined mob mentality if you blindly accept even the 1% that you do NOT agree with. Use logic, use thinking, funnel emotion into positions that are tenable. Don't just say "no or heck no", say "let's have an adult conversation about this and see if we can come to a compromise. Politics is power compromise, diplomacy is win-win conversation. Let's do it.

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