Friday, February 3, 2017

The Next Four or More Years

Amazing, the 2016 election is over and the underdog took it. Well, now this in-your-face political neophyte needs to become the US First-Diplomat. He is surrounding himself with people with business acumen, and I hope and pray that also means people who know when they need help, and will staff up accordingly. The plate is over-flowing and consists of tangles, threats, legacies. The instability and vulnerability scare me somewhat, but now that he is elected, I must sublimate and give the guy a chance. There is no doubt that he has the best interests of the country in mind and will do what he does and how he does it to the best of his ability. So far he has acted rashly and brashly, he is definitely a hard-liner and uses non-diplomatic skills to say what he has to say. This is scary, because his premise is hear me and accept it because I may not back off. So far he has offended many with his proclamations through Executive Order, and that will have repercussions. He's gone wihtin and without. The immigration control that will force vetting of people from certain countries is probably OK on the bais of safety, and guess what, if there is an incident of extremists coming in here, that will justify his concern and his order,especially if it on puts a temporary halt to things and then gets a new system up and running. the thing with the Mexican wall is OK too, but touting that Mexico will pay is wrong. If he invokes tariffs, he's only costing US consumers to pay more, he needs to force US business to reduce costs and then he can slowly remove the tariff. He needs to think that way and to state things that way.

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