Saturday, March 25, 2017


Two items are worthy of discussion. The first is the fact that new Pres. Trump is learning the hard way that bluster is not enough. He needs consensus, and within his own "adopted" party, he sees people with a mind of their own. That is is really good, because a despot cannot rule. So now the man and the party need to recognize that their baselines need to remain in place, but shaped by the ubiquitous factor of compromise. After all, the country consists of various percentages of ideologies and beliefs, political, social, the answer has to be a well crafted platform that is acceptable to all. The second is that I have opened a web-site identified as and this places four of my books in full view of any interested audience. These four have a common theme, it is AMERICA. Each book explores a different aspect- one covers international interfaces, one covers internal economics, one covers rule of law, and the fourth looks at the aspects of the environment and the effect on your ego, thus looking ata how you were formed. These are all relevances to what our country is, what we are, and where we are going. So take a look, because all the issues, all the topics, no matter when the books were written, are relevant today.